Abigail Booth
Abigail Booth’s practice combines repertoires and methods rarely found together. Borrowing from a range of traditions—minimalist painting, quilting, natural dyeing and pigmentation—her works achieve an elusive, enigmatic effect. She adores familiar domestic objects, even as she transforms them utterly. Complex, time-intensive processes underpin works that project an outward simplicity.
Booth’s art is rooted in a relationship to place that is at once highly tactile and highly imaginative. Whether it be domestic interiors, flea markets, fabric factories, her garden, or the wider landscapes surrounding her studio in Somerset, and beyond, all are sites from which she not only sources materials, pigments, and dyes, but from which she finds inspiration for her ongoing inquiry into the identity, memory, and dreams, as she believes they originate in nature.
Radnor is pleased to represent the work of Abigail Booth.
Abigail trained at Chelsea College of Art (BA Fine Art 2013) San Francisco Art Institute (International Exchange Program 2012) and Byam Shaw School of Art (Foundation 2010). In 2014 she established Forest + Found, an art collective with whom she works on public commissions, exhibitions and curatorial projects.
She has exhibited her work most independently at: Radnor (New York 2023) Make Hauser & Wirth (Somerset 2018/23) Amelie Maison D’Art (Paris 2019/23) New Art Centre (Roche Court 2020) Kettles Yard (Cambridge 2019) Jerwood Drawing Prize (London 2017). Awards include: Develop Your Creative Practice Fund, Arts Council England (2023), QEST Scholarship, Painting (2020). Artist Talks: Hauser & Wirth Somerset (2021/23) Crafts Council, UK (2021) Jerwood Arts, London (2019) V&A Museum, London (2016); Teaching: Ruthin Craft Centre, Wales (2023) West Dean College, Sussex (2021/23) Yorkshire Sculpture Park (2017/18) Pitt Rivers Museum, Oxford (2017) Milton Keynes Art Centre (2017).
Significant exhibitions as Forest + Found include: Material Beings (Cromwell Place 2023) Shallow Lands (Informality Gallery 2022) Biophilia (Make Hauser & Wirth 2021) Jerwood Makers Open (Jerwood Arts & Manchester Art Gallery 2019/20) Walking the Line (Oriel Myrddin 2019 & Ruthin Craft Centre 2018); Artist Residencies include: Make Hauser & Wirth, Braemar, Scotland (2023), Need Make Use, Pitt Rivers Museum, Oxford (2017); Awards include: Jerwood Makers Open (Jerwood Arts 2019) Collect Open (Crafts Council 2018).