By Danny Ho Fong (for the Fong Brothers)
Starting Price: $6,600 (for the interior finished center section, priced per section)
Left Arm Section: 64"w x 36"d x 29"h; SH: 18.5”, AH: 29”
Center Section: 64"w x 36"d x 29"h; SH: 18.5”, AH: 29”
Right Arm Section: 64"w x 36"d x 29"h; SH: 18.5”, AH: 29”
Shown in: Custom Amber Cane / COM
Available Indoor Finishes: Flat woven Natural Skin-on cane w/ clear coat cane
Available Outdoor Finishes: Flat woven resin cane in Antique Honey, Antique Java, Black, Brown Pine, Cocoa, Coconut, Coffee Bean, Dark Bronze, Dark Brown, Kubu, Mocca, Mochacino, New Black, Prussian Dark Bronze, Rubbed Honey, Summer Grass, or White Washed
Lead Time: 18-20 weeks approximately
Tear Sheet